Virtual Sports Research Network #

Connecting expertise from leading academics

We aim to connect academics with expertise in virtual sports to foster future collaboration and provide an accessible overview of experts in the domain of virtual sports. Below, you find an overview of all members associated with the Virtual Sports Research Network and their direct contact information. Are you interested in joining the network? Get in touch!

Andrew is Doctor of Social Policy and covers topics on anti-doping, image and performance enhancing drugs, body image, transgender sport, eSports, physical activity and, last but not least, virtual sports.
Charlotte is Doctor in sport sociology with interest in the sociological and policy components of sport. Her focus is on the impact of digital innovation on the field of sport and Generation Z.
Daniel’s work focuses on the dynamic interplay between digitalization, sports, and health management. This includes topics such as sports digitalization, sports management, transparency and fairness, and innovation in sports.
Interested in joining the Virtual Sports Network? We’re currently still looking for experts on the topics around virtual sports 👀!