Virtual Sports are
Science Communication and Research Network on Virtual Sports.
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Ready to learn more about Virtual Sports? #

The emergence of sports alike exergames and physical active eSports

eSports are often contested upon in the sports sector due to its lack of sports-alike physicality. A new type of exergames and eSports are emerging, however. These are increasingly physical and sports alike in nature. Imagine how Zwift compares to road cycling, or Virtual rowing to outdoor rowing.

Virtual Sports are unique in that they are in between exergames and eSports. Virtual Sports combine (1) the technological mediated nature of eSports, (2) the institutionalised and physical nature of sports, and (3) the gamified nature of Exergames.

Virtual Sports explainer
Virtual Sports explainer

A growing interest in Virtual Sports

Because of Virtual Sports' unique and innovative nature, there is a growing interest in Virtual Sports. The mission of this science communication page and network is to address this interest.

Our aims are (1) to set a name for the Virtual Sports 'label' as a new type of physical and sports-alike (eSports) games, (2) to inform people on the perspectives and debates virtual sports brings to the sports sector and academia, and (3) to connect academics with expertise in virtual sports into a network that is reachable for everyone interested.

Most Recent Blog Posts #

Ten golden rules to turn your exergame into a megahit

 Photo of Charlotte Van Tuyckom

Charlotte Van Tuyckom

28 min read
Whitepaper based on experiences at the Sports Innovation Campus.

Virtual Sports Research Network #

Connecting expertise from leading academics

Daniel’s work focuses on the dynamic interplay between digitalization, sports, and health management. This includes topics such as sports digitalization, sports management, transparency and fairness, and innovation in sports.
Willem’s research explores the intersection of technology and human behaviour in the fields of sport management, marketing and innovation.
Andrew is Doctor of Social Policy and covers topics on anti-doping, image and performance enhancing drugs, body image, transgender sport, eSports, physical activity and, last but not least, virtual sports.
Charlotte is Doctor in sport sociology with interest in the sociological and policy components of sport. Her focus is on the impact of digital innovation on the field of sport and Generation Z.
Ben’s expertise lies in integrating virtual reality technology into professional sports.

Universities Involved #

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